Susan Strange
För tillfället läser jag den här boken. Berömda "Casino Capitalism" av Susan Strange - tidigare professor bland annat på London School of Economics. Såhär beskrivs boken:
"The games being played, day and night, in the unsleeping capital markets of the world resemble nothing so much as one vast global casino. The prices of currencies and commodities of corporate stocks and other financial assets fluctuate wildly, not in response to real market forces but a the whim of professional gamblers. The consequences for us all, if the system should collapse, would be complete disaster. This provocative book explores the unstable and largely uncontrolled system which is deliberately perpetuated."
Skall bli mycket intressant!
"The games being played, day and night, in the unsleeping capital markets of the world resemble nothing so much as one vast global casino. The prices of currencies and commodities of corporate stocks and other financial assets fluctuate wildly, not in response to real market forces but a the whim of professional gamblers. The consequences for us all, if the system should collapse, would be complete disaster. This provocative book explores the unstable and largely uncontrolled system which is deliberately perpetuated."
Skall bli mycket intressant!